
Be Careful When You Call Customer Service

Be Careful When You Call Customer Service

Wow – this guy runs a scam where suicidal people send him money and expect to receive cyanide. He doesn’t send the cyanide and instead sends Epsom salts. So people take this white powder with the expectation of killing themselves and instead just get a bellyful of belching. As if that wasn’t bad enough, when one of his customers (an Englishman) complains to the FBI that he was defrauded (paid for cyanide and received Epsom salts) this guy goes ahead and sends the actual cyanide, which the English patient ingests and uses to kill himself. Now, on top of all the fraud charges, this guy is on the hook for the Englishman’s suicide with all sorts of wire fraud leading to death charges. Well, at least he “legally was in the custody of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services when he executed the Epsom salts scheme.” Nice to know the taxpayers of Maine are subsidizing this guy’s Epsom salt empire.

Jurors begin deliberating in cyanide poisoning case


Written by Poison Boy

Gerry O'Malley (a.k.a Poison Boy) is a board certified ER doctor and toxicologist with a interest in the unusual, terrifying and occasionally hilarious world of poisonings and toxicology. This site is an exploration of poisons of historical interest as well as in current events and pop culture.

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