A few weeks ago, a 1st grade student in Carson City, (the capitol of) Nevada found a teddy bear in the trash. He picked it up out of the trash and received a needlestick injury! The police found 5 – count ’em – 5 freakin’ needles inside the teddy bear and forensic testing revealed methamphetamine traces in the needles. So of course, now the kid has to undergo testing for HIV and Hepatitis B and C – the whole shebang. Even if the user of the needles is positive for any infectious disease, the likelihood for transmission from an exposure such as this is pretty low, although it was a hollow needle and we have no idea if there was blood remaining inside which was transferred to the kid (hence the testing). Sheesh.
This is the photo that accompanied all the stories, but I have no idea if it is the actual teddy bear.