Hmmm…Poison Boy is up to the task. This guy was poisoned by the heat of the hot tub…and his own libido. Whenever anybody gets into a hot bath, the blood vessels near their skin dilate (open up) to release the excess heat absorbed by the body. This dilation of the blood vessels reduces the blood pressure and the heart has to speed up in order to pump the same volume of blood around the low-pressure system. This puts a strain on the heart – add to that the effort involved with sexual intercourse, whatever medications he may have been on for chronic high blood pressure or other cardiovascular disease and maybe mix in a little alcohol and you have a perfect storm for a heart attack. It seems that the poor old bugger had a heart attack and collapsed on top of his wife who was a lot smaller than he was and she was trapped underwater and drown (poisoned by water). Whew – what a way to go.