I thought the Stanford was supposed to be a pretty good school. How many times do you have to pick up the same bottle and drink water from it that “smells like paraformaldehyde” before you stop and think “Hmmmmm…maybe there is something wrong here”? One victim noticed the weird smell “about four times a week for the next two to three months.” You would think that after the second occurrence, a smart grad student would stop drinking the water and bring it to someone’s attention that the water in the Stem Cell Research Building tastes like paraformadehyde. Fortunately that particular chemical is a polymer of formaldehyde and needs to be broken down prior to ingestion to cause serious injury and even then, you need to drink a lot of it in order to cause the destructive gastric and kidney effects seen with large amounts of formaldehyde ingestion. Lucky for them. I’m sure there were a lot of other, much more serious chemicals that Xiangyu Ouyang could have used to poison her colleagues in the lab. Look at this girl – she looks like she is 12 years old! A year in jail seems like a pretty lenient sentence to Poison Boy.