Poison Gas at Disneyland Paris
Poison Gas at Disneyland Paris | What kind of a vacation is this?! The last thing I expect to encounter on vacation is poison gas at Disneyland Paris. Apparently someone,…read more →
Poison Gas at Disneyland Paris | What kind of a vacation is this?! The last thing I expect to encounter on vacation is poison gas at Disneyland Paris. Apparently someone,…read more →
The Brilliance of the Tide Pod Challenge | Darwinism on Display I thought of naming this post “stupidity of the tide pod challenge” or cracking jokes at the expense of…read more →
Chinese Vlogger Accidentally Poisons Herself on Livestream | Hilarity Ensues When a Chinese vlogger accidentally poisons herself on livestream by eating a toxic plant there can only be one response…read more →
Stingray Envenomation Needs X-Rays |Poison Boy Takes a Stand I teach all my residents that every stingray envenomation needs x-rays. I published a horrific case report a few years ago…read more →
Fentanyl Park, Connecticut| What the heck is going on here? As many as 76 people have overdosed in less than a day in a park in New Haven, CT. The park…read more →
Does Vaping Cause Lung Disease? | New Study Raises Concerns I thought vaping was supposed to help PREVENT lung disease. Now a new study from Great Britain suggests that vaping…read more →
Does Pot Make You Puke? | Alternative Explanation for the “Pot Vomits” A friend of mine sent me an article that makes me question whether or not does pot make…read more →
Whatever Happened to Flakka? | A couple of years ago, people were taking a drug called flakka and turning into zombies. Then, all of sudden, flakka disappeared from the headlines.…read more →
Notre Dame Holy Water Poisoning? | Sacre Bleu! Did someone poison the holy water at Notre Dame? https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/722857/Notre-Dame-holy-water-poison-biblical-christian-news Were the holy water fonts in Europe’s most famous cathedral tainted with…read more →
Roundup Injustice | The Triumph of Unscience The verdict in the Roundup Injustice trial on Friday is a victory for unscience, defined by Merriam-Webster as “not scientific : not based on or…read more →
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