
PBP026: How Did We Survive Without Him?

PBP026: How Did We Survive Without Him?

Poison Boy is back from a self-imposed exile and what a return! Doubling the drop-down on Halloween with a new podcast, a new website and a whole new determination to find the answers because the truth is out there…or is it? Interviews with Dr. Leslie Dye, the President of the American College of Toxicology and Dr. Adam Rowden and his tactical strike force of toxicologic ninjas. A Venomous Media Review of “BLACKOUT” by Sarah Hepola and a Halloween poisoning story to chill your bones. All this wrapped up to the creepy soundtrack of the world famous Bollock Brothers. Poison Boy – how did we survive without him?


Leslie DyeThis is Leslie Dye.  She graciously spent some time with Poison Boy discussing her responsibilities as President of the American College of Medical Toxicology and the time she ate rat poison and aspirin.




HepolaBlackoutSarah Hepola, author of “Blackout: Remembering the things I drank to forget,” the subject of the Venomous Media Review






Dr. Adam Rowden, soon to be Albany bound.

Adam Rowden







Marisela (the brainy one)








Tom, Josh and Evan





Levamisole Induced Vasculitis

Levamisole vasculitis1 Levamisole vasculitis2 J-Rheumatol-2015-HAHN-1924-5





Timothy O’Bryan  & his father Ronald O’Bryan (The Candyman)

Timothy O'BryanRonald O'Bryan

The Candyman







The Bollock Brothers: Horror Movies:

Written by Poison Boy

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