
For A Toxicologist, Idiots = Job Security

For A Toxicologist, Idiots = Job Security

I still can’t believe that in this day and age there are people that hoard live animals and venomous reptiles. This guy had 80 snakes and a pool full of alligators. At what point do you look around your crappy little apartment and think to yourself “Hmmm – maybe I might a few too many poisonous snakes in here?” 


Our intrepid amateur snake charmer in police custody.








I can understand collecting comic books or Hummel figurines or ceramic frogs. Even animated things like bonsai trees or tropical fish. But venomous snakes and reptiles? What’s the point? I get freaked out if I see a cockroach or a couple of ants anywhere near my garage. Who needs to come out of the bedroom to be greeted by this – 

Obviously the laws differ from state to state about who is allowed to have venomous animals in their possession – I’m pretty sure there isn’t a state that would allow low-rent Big Lebowski here to have one – never mind 80 poisonous reptiles in their house. Especially after having a cobra escape a year ago. Frankly, the authorities in Los Angeles should have this guy under surveillance 24/7 if you ask me. He has demonstrated that he can’t stay away from the creepy-crawlies. 

Written by Poison Boy

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