
The Poison Boy Podcast: PBP030: Holiday in Cambodia

Even though it’s the holiday season and Black Friday has sent the entire country into riot mode, Poison Boy is ever vigilant and has his monocled eye trained on all the nefarious poison plots and toxicologic traditions that infuse Thanksgiving with that element of mayhem and chaos that he calls “home.” In this abbreviated edition, we introduce the newest and most important assignment – our campaign to get carbon monoxide detectors under every Christmas tree and into every holiday stocking and beside every Hanukkah dreidel – you get the idea. Then we explore one of the greatest mad-scientist out-of-control movies ever made – ALTERED STATES and we round out the podcast with a Thanksgiving tradition – the retelling of the DB Cooper mystery. So swallow that mouthful of stuffing and let’s go!



First-Alert-Digital-Carbon-Monoxide-Alarm-Costco-1First Alert – the coolest CO detectors in the world!






Sorry – couldn’t resist.









The Original Newsbroadcast from 1971 about DB Cooper. There is nothing wrong with your computer – that’s a black and white broadcast.

And finally – The Killers! I chose the US version of the video because there are some really hot chicks in it. No other reason. The UK version is a bit dull, but there are some fanatics that insist it is the definitive version. You can check it out on Youtube.

Written by Poison Boy

Gerry O'Malley (a.k.a Poison Boy) is a board certified ER doctor and toxicologist with a interest in the unusual, terrifying and occasionally hilarious world of poisonings and toxicology. This site is an exploration of poisons of historical interest as well as in current events and pop culture.

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